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Governance (Ethos Academy Trust)

The Trust Partners of Ethos Academy Trust bring a long history of high-quality education and a strong pedagogy based on academic excellence across both primary and secondary education and specialist provision.

Trust Members oversee the achievement of the company objectives; appoint new Trustees; can amend the articles of the company and hold the land and buildings in trust.

The Trustees have strategic oversight and accountability of the MAT (Multi-Academy Trust) and they delegate functions to Board Committees, Executive Leaders Headteachers, and local Academy Performance Review Committees, as appropriate.

Further details on the Trust’s model of delegation and lines of accountability can be found in the Trust Scheme of Delegation and the membership and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees, Board Committees, and Academy Performance Review Committees are set out in their respective Terms of Reference.


Get in Touch

Ethos Academy Trust

Field Hill Centre
Batley Field Hill
WF17 0BQ
Company number 10745840 registered in England and Wales.

Telephone01924 478 482


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