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Guide to Acronyms
- ACL Learning
- ACVE Advanced Certificate of Vocational Education
- ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
- ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
- AfL Assessment for Learning
- AOC Association of Colleges
- AWPU Age Weighted Pupil Unit
- BESD Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties
- BSF Building Schools for the Future
- CAF Common Assessment Framework
- CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- CCAB Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies
- CDT Craft, Design and Technology
- CFC Cared for Children (also known as Looked After Children)
- CEO Chief Executive Officer
- CIF Common Inspection Framework
- CIN Child in Need
- CP Child Protection
- CPD Continuing Professional Development
- CPR Child Protection Register
- CRB Criminal Records Bureau
- CTA Commercial Transfer Agreement
- CYPP Children and Young Peoples Plan
- DPA Data Protection Act
- DT Design and Technology
- E2L English as a Second Language
- EAG Earmarked Annual Grant
- EAL English as an additional language
- EBD Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
- ECM Every Child Matters
- ESF European Social Fund
- ESOL English for speakers of other languages
- EWO Education Welfare Officer
- EY Early Years
- EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage
- EYDP Early Years Development Plan
- FA Funding Agreement
- FE Further Education
- FFT Fischer Family Trust
- FOI Freedom of Information
- FMSiS Financial Management Standard in Schools (now replaced by SFVS)
- FS Foundation Stage
- FSM Free School Meals
- FT Full-time
- FTE Fixed Term Exclusion
- FtE Full-time Equivalent
- GAG General Annual Grant
- G&T Gifted and Talented
- GB Governing Body
- GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education
- GES The George Eliot School
- GTC General Teaching Council
- GTP Graduate Teacher Programme
- H&S Health and Safety
- HE Higher Education
- HEFCE Higher Education Funding Council for England
- HFE Higher Further Education
- HLTA Higher Level Teaching Assistant
- HMCI Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector
- HMI Her Majesty’s Inspectorate
- HMSO Her Majesty’s Stationery Office now TSO
- HR Human Resources
- HT Head Teacher
- IAP Individual Action Plan
- IBP Individual Behaviour Plan
- ICT Information and Communications Technology
- IEP Individual Education Plan
- IiP Investors in People
- ILT Information Learning Technology
- INSET In-Service Education and Training
- IQ Intelligence Quotient
- ISA Independent Safeguarding Authority
- ISR Individual School Range (of salaries)
- IT Information Technology
- ITT Initial Teacher Training
KS1, 2, 3, 4
Key Stage 1, 2, 3, 4 (KS1 age 5 - 7 ‘Infants’, KS2 age 7 – 11 ‘Juniors’,
KS3 age 11- 14, KS4 age 14 -16)
KS1, 2, 3, 4
Key Stage 1, 2, 3, 4 (KS1 age 5 - 7 ‘Infants’, KS2 age 7 – 11 ‘Juniors’,
Looked after Children (also known as Cared for Children, or
Children in Care) - LACE Looked After Children in Education
- LEA Local Education Authority
- LSA Learning Support Assistant
- LSCB Local Safeguarding Children’s Board
Looked after Children (also known as Cared for Children, or
- MAT The Midlands Academies Trust
- MFL Modern Foreign Language
- NAO National Audit Office
- NC National Curriculum
- NCSL National College for School Leadership
- NEET Not in Education, Employment or Training
- NGA National Governors Association
- NGC National Governors Council
- NIACE National Institute for Adult Continuing Education
- NQT Newly Qualified Teacher
- NUT National Union of Teachers
- NVQ National Vocational Qualifications
- NWHC North Warwickshire and Hinckley College
- OFSTED Office for Standards in Education
- OU Open University
- PA Personal Assistant
- PAN Published Admission Number (also sometimes known as Pupil Admission Number or Planned Admission Number)
- PAT Portable Appliance Testing
- PE Physical Education
- PFA Provider Financial Assurance
- PFI Private Finance Initiative
- PGCE Post Graduate Certificate in Education
- PI Performance Indicator
- PLASC Pupil Level Annual School Census (i.e. number on roll in January each year)
- PICSI Pre-Inspection Context and School Indicators
- PM Performance Management
- PP Pupil Premium
- PRU Pupil Referral Unit
- PSCHE Personal, Social, Citizenship & Health Education
- PSE Personal and Social Education
- PSHE Personal Social Health Education (also PSCHE including citizenship)
- P-T Part Time
- PTA Parent Teacher Association
- QCA Qualification and Curriculum Authority
- QTS Qualified Teacher Status
- R&R Recruitment and retention
- RAISEonline Reporting and Analysis for Improvement through School Self-Evaluation (online)
- RC Roman Catholic
- RDA Regional Development Agency
- RE Religious Education
- RO Responsible Officer
- SA School Action
- SA+ School Action Plus
- SACRE Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
- SBSA Schools’ Business Support Agreement (see also SLA)
- SDP School Development Plan (See also SSDP and SIP)
- SEAL Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning
- SEF Self-Evaluation Form
- SEMH Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- SEN / SEND Special Educational Needs / Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- SENCO Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
- SFVS Schools Financial Value Standard
- SIC Statement of Internal Control
- SILC Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre
- SIP School Improvement Partner (NB the requirement for LAs to appoint SIPs is to be withdrawn after passing of Education Act 2011)
- SLA Service Level Agreement (See also SBSA)
- SLT Senior Leadership Team
- SMSC Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural development
- SMT Senior Management Team
- SOD Scheme of Delegation
- SS Social Services
- SSDP Strategic School Development Plan (See also SDP and SIP)
- TA Teaching Assistant
- TDA Training and Development Agency
- TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- TES Times Educational Supplement
- THES Times Higher Educational Supplement
- TLR Teaching and Learning Responsibility
- TU Trade Union
- TUPE The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment)
- UCAS Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
- UNISON Trade union for support staff
- UPN Unique Pupil Number
- UPS Upper Pay Scale
- VA Voluntary Aided
- VAT Value Added Tax
- VC Voluntary Controlled
- VFM Value for money
- VI Visually Impaired
- VLE Virtual Learning Environment
- VP Vice Principal
- WBL Work Based Learning (Modern Apprenticeship)
- WEA Workers Educational Association
- YOT Youth Offending Team
- YPLA Young Peoples Learning Agency