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School Improvement and External Training

Ethos Academy Trust has a small school improvement team that provides support and challenge for our six specialists academies as well as being able to support school improvement externally across the system in line with our Trust Strategic Objectives:

  1. Become leaders in inclusive practice.
  2. Change the wider public narrative regarding SEMH pupils and provision.
  3. Develop expert practitioners in inclusive SEND practice.

We support other schools, universities, academy trusts and local authorities with audits, deep dives, advice and training. Please see below for the team and contact details should you wish to discuss how we may be able to help you.

Please also see the training tab on the left-hand side for examples of training available. This is not exhaustive – we are happy to tailor to your needs. Please also see on the left-hand side details of  our Lead Practitioners identified within our trust, who complement the range of training and support we can offer you.

Ann-Marie Oliver, Director of Education: amoliver@eat.uk.com

Danny Ross, School Improvement Officer: dross@eat.uk.com

Aimee Bedford, Behaviour and SEMH Lead: abedford@eat.uk.com

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    Ann-Marie Oliver Director of Education
  • Alt text
    Danny Ross School Improvement Officer
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    Aimee Bedford SEMH Lead

Get in Touch

Ethos Academy Trust

Field Hill Centre
Batley Field Hill
WF17 0BQ
Company number 10745840 registered in England and Wales.

Telephone01924 478 482


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